There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Pro 14:12 KJV)
It has been on my mind of late, that as far as overt wickedness and perversion goes, there are far less than six degrees of separation today. It touches all our lives in some way. We all know someone who is entangled in a wicked lifestyle, or know someone who knows someone... Or perhaps it is we ourselves.
There is a lot of confusion, no doubt deliberately sown into society about the difference between right and wrong. It has even found it's way into churches all across the country. It is ironic that the Bible contains no such ambiguity. In my daily devotion, it was in my schedule to re-read Romans chapter 1. It was striking to me how much the writer, Paul, the same penman that wrote so eloquently on grace, sounded so 'old testament'.
There are many today in Christianity who would simply like to explain away Paul's opening remarks to the believers in Rome, as being merely idiomatic, or allegorical. Others say that it is merely mistranslated. Usually these remarks originate from those who are engaged in one or more of the behaviors that are enumerated within the passage. The 31st verse seems to put a huge exclamation point on all that he was expounding upon earlier in the chapter.
We seem to be living in an era of 'sloppy agape' and 'greasy grace'. Make no mistake. God is the God of love and grace. He is also profoundly patient, but there is a limit to such. Within hours of reading this remarkable chapter, I happened upon a truck stop chapel marquee bearing the following byline:
'Do not confuse God's patience with the final outcome.'
It struck me how much this meshed with what I had just been reading. Many in the body of Christ have been coasting along blithely resting in grace, while engaging in practices that have been clearly outlined in scripture, both old and new testaments, as being off limits for a Godly people. In light of the following verse, I have to honestly include myself from time to time in this company:
See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, (Eph 5:15 KJV)
Circumspection simply means to take inventory of yourself, your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Do they line up with the word of God? If so, then good. Continue on in the faith. Where we get tripped up is when we react to conflicts by changing God, or at least our perception of Him. I heard a brother in Christ in the entertainment industry,
Kirk Cameron, assert that to build a mental image of God in any other way than what the scriptures teach constitutes idolatry. This violates the very first of the ten commandments. Serious business.
I had someone recently endeavor to explain to me how Romans chapter one was mistranslated from the original language and that it did not at all mean what it said particularly the part about homosexuality. My mouth fell to the floor and continues to fall whenever it comes to mind. I got out my
e-sword program and looked up the passage in as many translations as I could, including the Greek rendering. Hundreds of scholars over hundreds of years, and hundreds of translations must have gotten those two verses wrong. I am being facetious, of course. My conclusion is that the Bible means exactly what it says.
Romans chapter one is far from being merely a treatise against homosexuality only. There is a very comprehensive list of spiritual conditions along with an even greater list of amoral symptoms. It is significant however that homosexuality occupies two whole verses in this very economical passage. In fairness though, I believe it behooves us to examine the passage as a whole, in order to get a greater contextual picture.
Let us begin at verse 17, the previous 16 being primarily Paul's greeting to the church at Rome. This verse contains a statement that has become a touchstone for the Church: 'The just shall live by faith'. It certainly does not say that the just shall live by what seems right in their own eyes. The book of Judges chronicles the sad account of a people that did this and the moral depravity that was the result.
Faith on the other hand, 'comes by hearing, and hearing, the Word of God'. We cannot build our faith by cherry-picking. Either all of the Bible is true and applicable, or none of it is. There is no middle ground, yet many, many of the so-called seeker sensitive churches try to find or create a gray area. It is a double standard and is intellectually dishonest to think otherwise. If you knew a person who was known to lie, would you have any regard for what they have to say? Yet people approach the Holy Scriptures all the time with this very same mental dichotomy.
The next verse puts an even more profound punctuation to it. The nature of God has been revealed to man, in his heart, and in God's very creation, the very creation that men mistakenly worship, as we see later. Paul states it plainly. We are without excuse. On that Day, what will be the excuse of many? I'm sure there will be some, but they will probably die, unsaid on the lips of those about to offer them. The writing was mistranslated? I was taught wrong? I don't think any of these things will have any traction.
I didn't write it, I simply embrace it as God's Word.
Rom 1:19-31 seems to give us a logical progression, or a downward moral descent. It's track goes from knowing God to a completely Godless existence. Paul is recounting the downfall of Israel, yet the application is universal. It applies to all nations, tribes, tongues, and individuals. Let's examine the steps:
- They had known God v.19-20. This is a very damning indictment, one that all believers should be conscious of. Having known God, and His nature, laws, precepts, etc., and having departing, sets one up for all the dark and dismal conditions subsequent.
- They did not glorify God v.21 How often are we guilty? I mean, really how often? How often do we fail to give glory to God for the good things in our life? How often do we ascribe them to luck, fortune, or our own hard work? This verse should give pause for contemplation.
- They were thankless v.21 There is no thanksgiving where proper glory is not given. This seems a next logical step into a downward spiral. Thankfulness to God is vitally important to spiritual growth, health, prosperity, and happiness.
- They had vain imaginations v.21 In my last blog post, we explored in detail the pitfalls of an unproductive thought life. One of the seminal verses on the subject that Paul also penned is found in 2Co 10:5, Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
- They became foolish v.21 Many times throughout scripture, foolishness is equated with Godlessness, or a lack of Godly wisdom. In light of this, would it be a good idea to seek wisdom as James 1:5 says? Solomon said that to seek wisdom is the principal thing, Proverbs 4:7.
- They were sophomoric (wise fools) v.22 The word sophomore is derived from two Latin roots that literally means 'wise fool'. It seems a contradiction in terms, however this is the very language that the scripture uses. The wisdom of the ungodly is in fact utter foolishness. To think otherwise is to indulge in that same foolishness. To seek God in all matters, on the other hand, is wisdom.
- They engaged in idolatry v.23 Idolatry typically follows foolish thinking. Oh, we are not carving idols out of wood or minerals for the most part, but are there things in life that are taking the place of God? Circumspection needed in this area...
- They became perverted in their bodies v.24 Sexual immorality and idolatry nearly always went hand-in-hand together. History bears it out. Have things really changed all that much?
- Worshiped creation, not the Creator v.25 Paganism, Animism, Nature worship, all permutations of idolatry. We see a secular form of these same practices on the rise today in the form of environmentalism and humanism. As Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun...
- Engaged in homosexual practices, both male and female v.26-27 Taken in the context given here, there can only be one interpretation of these two verses. There really is no ambiguity to the honest reader.
- They set God aside in their thinking v.28 Since the 1960's God has been systematically removed from the public market. This effort continues to this day. The God-haters have and continue to make giant leaps in this direction, despite many attempts to forestall them.
- Were set aside by God in return v.28 This is the end result of this slide into darkness. God removes his hand, turns his face away, and destruction comes. This is always the result. We see it taking place throughout the world today. The more we stray from God, the more frequently tragedy strikes. Watch the news!
The logical result: v.29-31
We can clearly see a long slide into apostasy. These things never occur in an instant, rather slowly over time, beginning with one small compromise. One compromise makes it easier for the next, and the next, and so on. This applies to individuals as well as nations. Churches are not immune. After all, Paul was writing to a group of believers.
The last four verses provide a symptomatic overview of society once this process has run it's full course. It is a fairly comprehensive list. Let's take a look, and see if any of these conditions fit our modern world; Or ourselves:
Sexual promiscuity has been like a canary in the coal mine, heralding the downfall of many great civilizations throughout history. Over the past 50 or so years, this has been on an exponential increase. There are many many social ills that spin off from this one root cause: illegitimate birth, sexually transmitted disease, abortion, crime amongst teens, the list goes on. Is any of this going on in America?
Wickedness Webster defines wickedness as;
Departure from the rules of the divine law; evil disposition or practices; immorality; crime; sin; sinfulness; corrupt manners Wickedness generally signifies evil practices. The word is actually derived from wicker, which means twisted. We see many ministers, particularly of the seeker-sensitive variety actually twisting the Word of God, in order to salve itching ears. Biblically speaking, this is wickedness.
Covetousness Webster also defines covetousness;
A strong or inordinate desire of obtaining and possessing some supposed good; usually in a bad sense, and applied to an inordinate desire of wealth or avarice. We are immersed in a world where literally every decision that is made, both on a personal level as well as societal, is based on money. It's not that money is intrinsically bad, but the scripture tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil.
Maliciousness, the disposition to injure, or cause injury. Is this a problem? Watch any prime time television lately? The desensitization has been at work for decades. Then we wonder that children are taking weapons to class and massacring their class mates. Again the examples are innumerable.
Envy American consumerism is completely driven by envy. Our social structure, and how government is able to manipulate the masses is driven by class envy. The 'haves' versus the 'have nots'. We against they. The Bible warns in many places against this type of behavior.
Murder is condemned in every civilized society and many aboriginal as well. Yet it continues to be a problem on the rise. Where there is no morality taught and adhered to, there is no value for life, and murders will reach epic proportions. Murder isn't the problem, merely a symptom of the problem... Lack of God-consciousness.
Debate- Webster's definition:
Contention in words or arguments; strife in argument or reasoning, between persons of different opinions, each endeavoring to prove his own opinion right, and that of his opposer wrong; dispute; Strife; contention. To engage in combat. Is this a problem today? There are people everywhere, both in and out of churches who seem to be quite willing to argue over anything. Simply put, this is strife, and is the enemy of peace. Some things just need to be let go.
Deceit Lying is done out of hand these days. There is no honor in a man's word. Lawyers and barristers get rich off of creating and destroying long, verbose contracts. Truth seems to have no place in everyday dealings now. Lying is forbidden by God, among the same ten commandments that murder is.
Malignity- Webster's definition:
Extreme enmity, or evil dispositions of heart towards another; malice without provocation, or malevolence with baseness of heart; deep rooted spite.
1. Virulence; destructive tendency; as the malignity of an ulcer or disease.
2. Extreme evilness of nature; as the malignity of fraud.
3. Extreme sinfulness; enormity or heinousness; as the malignity of sin. This hardly needs further comment. It is merely another aspect of moral depravity.
Whispering- Albert Barnes' commentary treats it like this
: Whisperers - Those who secretly, and in a sly manner, by hints and inuendoes, detract from others, or excite suspicion of them. It does not mean those who openly calumniate, but that more dangerous class who give hints of evil in others, who affect great knowledge, and communicate the evil report under an injunction of secrecy, knowing that it will be divulged. This class of people abounds everywhere, and there is scarcely any one more dangerous to the peace or happiness of society. Perhaps another way to view this is gossip. Again, the Bible roundly condemns it.
Backbiting Another aspect of gossip and whispering. Forbidden in the life of a believer. It will halt your prayer life. That old saw that your mother used to say bears repeating: If you can't think of something good to say, then say nothing at all.
God haters I never really understood as a boy how this could be, but in my nearly half-century on this sod, I have come to witness first hand those who hate God. It is still difficult to wrap my mind around, but we do, in fact, have a generation of people alive in America, who shake defiant fists in the face of God. Some of them are even in our government. God has this to say to them:
And repayeth them that hate Him to their face, to destroy them: He will not be slack to him that hateth Him, He will repay him to his face. (Deu 7:10 KJV) I would not want to be one of them...
Despiteful Matthew 7:12 says:
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. Yet, the rules of the road nowdays seem to be the opposite. Looking out for number one is what is taught to the youngsters. There seems to be no milk of human kindness anymore..
Proud, Boasters This has been on the rise so swiftly that the change in society is profound. Yet pride is one of the big sins the Bible talks about. I believe the Catholics call it one of the cardinal sins. Pride is the enemy of repentence. What is there to repent of if one is never wrong?
Devising evil things Conspiracy and conspiracy theories abound. Organized crime is on the rise rather than in decline, yet no one seems to want to prosecute the criminals, only disarm the victims. This seems oddly backwards.
Rebellious to parents This is actually being taught systematically in our schools and universities. Again in defiance of one of the ten commandments. And yet again people are horrified when violence breaks out amongst our youth.
Lack of understanding Ignorance gone to seed, is how one of my friends characterized it. Dumbing down seems to be the fashionable thing to do nowadays. Original and free thinking on the other hand, seems to be under vicious attack. Those who seek Godly wisdom are nearly viewed as enemies of the state. Oh how we've abandoned our founding principles.
Covenant breakers As I alluded to earlier, there is a burgeoning industry that centers around reading small print and hunting loopholes. A man's word is no longer his bond. Tragically this has only occurred within the last two or three generations. In my granddad's day, a handshake and a promise was an ironclad contract. Not so today.
Lacking any natural affection The thing this brings most readily to mind, is abortion, child abuse, child neglect, and other such crimes against humanity. God did not create us this way, it only comes through a hardening of the heart.
Implacable Webster defines this as: The quality of not being appeasable; inexorableness; irreconcilable enmity or anger. When I was a kid, 'anger management' was a term that nobody then could have conceived of. Now, it's common household term. Courts routinely sentence offenders to attend these courses.
Lacking in mercy This may be the final nail in the coffin. Much of what was previously discussed could probably be contained in this final indictment. Nobody seems to get a break from anybody now days, even if the offense was unintentional. Ancient wisdom tells us this:
It is honorable for a man to stop striving, since any fool can start a quarrel. (Proverbs 20:3)
As I mentioned at the opening of this bloated post, verse 31 really lowers the boom. One of the most common arguments against what we are discussing is “Don't judge”. The fact of the matter is, they are already judged. Both by themselves and the choices that they have made, and by the Supreme Judge. They KNOW the judgment of God, and according to this verse, are worthy of death. I don't judge, and don't need to judge. It's already done.
It's not enough though, that they
do such things, They
seek others who do them. Seekers. And as Paul said in his letter to Timothy:
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; (2Ti 4:3 KJV)
As we can see in this short span of verses, the progression was from knowing God to a complete and utter lack of knowledge of God. Can this happen to a nation? It has been historically documented to have happened many times. As Winston Churchill said,
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” In this modern age of rapid information exchange, and the ready availability of the Word of God, we really have no excuse.
Can this happen in a person's life, in the course of a life time? Can it happen to a believer? Verse 28 declares that God gave over His chosen people to a reprobate mind. Here, we see it more succinctly in another portion of scripture:
For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. (Heb 6:4-6 KJV)
This is serious business gang. It's no small matter to turn away from God, or His laws and precepts. As we can see from our Israelite examples, that God is patient, but not infinitely patient. There is an end. We can see in our modern world that the End of All Things is near, and God's forebearance is winding down. Like the sign said: 'Don't confuse God's patience with the end result.'
God is the embodiment of love and mercy, but He is equally the embodiment of justice. Both sides of the same coin, so to speak. Let's not trip ourselves up trying to reconcile our own idealized contradictions in the supposed nature of God's character. Rather let us simply accept what He has to say about Himself, and us.
Seek Him, not acceptance from some group.
Listen to Him, not having itching ears.
Obey Him rather than our own flesh.
Accept Him as Lord and master.
Let's go to Heaven, shall we?