The LORD preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy. (Psa 145:20 KJV)
I recently came across a graphic that some creative soul spent way too much time creating. I won't give it any dignity by linking to it, but the general gist of it was this: A comparative chart showing the number of people God killed in the Bible (some 2,000,000 plus), versus those whom Satan killed (only 10). Predictably, this sort of irked me, being somewhat of a Biblical student. This prompted me to make a few observations of my own:
- So what? What's their point?
- If the person that created this little graphic actually took the time to make this kind of research, they have too much time on their hands. It would be better spent on some serious study of God's Word rather than a feeble attempt to undermine it.
- The person that created this little graphic really took no time at all to research their claim, and has no idea what they are talking about.
- If the person that created this little graphic went to all the trouble to research the figures by searching them out of the Bible, then they really missed the point of the Bible altogether. What a waste.
Actually I find no recorded incident where Satan actually took anyone's life, much less ten. I did find however, copious scripture references to God destroying the wicked, evildoers, and His enemies, too many to enumerate here. The principle is there. God destroys the wicked. I didn't say it, He did. That doesn't go down too well in today's politically correct society, but the principle remains.
There is a school of thought that makes the assertion that God only exists if you believe in Him. I'm not sure where that theology comes from, but it is certainly not from the Bible. God transcends all, even our own pitifully small ideas of Him. You simply cannot disbelieve Him out of existence. He has said what He will do, and you can make bank on it. If you are an enemy of God, He will destroy you. It may not be today, but it is an absolute truth.
Who is an enemy of God? Those who actively oppose Him. Those who are in disobedience of Him. Essentially, anybody who does not love him. Those who are at enmity with His people. These are the ones that God will destroy with the brightness of His appearing. There were a number of people throughout the Bible, who found themselves on the wrong side of things and were destroyed. God does not change. Wickedness, evil, and unrighteousness cannot stand in His presence.
So all this kicking about how unfair God must be, is really pointless. These kinds of arguments and debates are fruitless, and will never change His mind. They will never change who He is. To continue to rail out is utter foolishness.
Now that I've completely rubbed the fur backwards let's look at the flip side. God's mercy, love, and compassion is just as complete as His justice, and righteousness. As much as He will destroy the wicked, He will save to the uttermost, those who love Him. It is so simple, people have to get help to misunderstand. The way of escape from destruction and judgement is so simple. His Son, Jesus, made the way. To love and embrace the Christ, is to love God and not be at enmity with Him.
A deep heart check will reveal all I have said here as truth. Take a moment won't you? If you are an enemy with God, switch sides. It's very easy. Jesus said:
All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. (Joh 6:37 KJV)
God has already given His son all the Earth and everything in it, all you need to do is make a choice. It's the best one you'll ever make. Get on the winning team. God does not reject losers, but he destroys the obstinate