Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Would Jesus Do? Part 1 [Introduction]

It’s a fair question, perhaps the most important question.  If we apply it correctly, of course.  I remember when the fad started.  It was everywhere; T-shirts, bracelets, hats, coffee mugs, you name it.  It was intended to be a poignant reminder of how we as Christians ought to act.  Then some slick marketers caught the wave and no doubt made small fortunes.  Eh, that’s OK I suppose.  I’m not adverse to free enterprise, but the problem I have is with the aftermath.  What happens after all the hype has died?  Are we still seeking to follow in the Master’s footsteps, or has WWJD just become a catch phrase to chide someone who has rubbed us wrong?

It was a valid question a decade or more ago, and is still a valid one today.  What would Jesus do?  I hear that phrase bandied about, but do we really know what He would do?  That will be the topic of this particular series of posts.  I don’t claim to know everything there is to know about Him, but I do know a lot, and am learning more every day.  The ONLY way to be able to answer this persistent question is to go to the leading authority, the Bible. 

In this series we will explore, well- what He did.  But more than that we will take a look at what He did not do.  There are a lot of common misconceptions surrounding what people think He was about.  We will also take a look at what He will do, what the prophets had to say concerning Him.  In order to answer the question, we must accept Him, the whole package, not just the parts that suit our agenda at the time.

I have been confronted with this question several times recently.  In some instances, it was aimed at me sort of like a weapon.  Yet, the more I considered this, the more excited I have become, in my meditations of it.  There are many aspects that must be taken into account.  Many concepts that he either reinforced, or conceived.  So, this series is born.  I don’t know at this time how long it will run.  I will work it until the Holy Spirit says I am done.  In the meantime, explore with me, won’t you?

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